Sunday, 3 March 2013

Proper Size of Room is Important for Recording Studios

To create a complete recording studio is good option of business and for this you have full knowledge of all requirements of space and equipments. The magic of the recording studio has often mystified even the most seasoned professionals. With all the knobs, switches and buttons on various gear and large format consoles fulfill all the requirements at a single place and no need to visit different - different place for an album artist. Many people, especially artists, composers, producers, and engineers, will end up putting together their own studio for writing and pre-production, with some eventually deciding to create a full-fledged recording studio that is capable of recording major albums. And also provide the facilities of rehearsal rooms, band photography, cd duplication, and album release. This article will try to shed some light on the considerations to take into account when making a studio, be it a small home studio or a professional recording studio. 

Size of studio is important thing important. The dimensions of the recording studio are very important. A room too large may become over-reverberant or may become the reason of unwanted echoes. A room too small may sound tight and unnatural. So it is important that the room size and room sound is relevant to the type of music you are recording. Big room sounds can be achieved by adding external reverb effects at a later time when necessary. It is best to find the appropriate room that suits the sound you are trying to achieve from the beginning of the recording process. Small size rooms can be good for vocals, guitars and percussion if you are going for a tight clean sound. In larger rooms the sound will take a longer travel time for the sound wave to move. The decision size of room and sound has to be made early on before the recording starts for album. Mastering of tracks is another important task after recording and a good recording studio should contain all the required equipments for mastering.  

One advantage that a big room will have is the ability to be scaled down by closing up the room using modular baffles or gobos. Gobos are work as partitions of room that help to block sound by placing them in between the musicians, instruments, and microphones. Placing the gobos around the microphone at a close distance will help a large room with too much ambiance sound smaller. This will eradicate the problem of reflections coming off of the walls that are further away. Small rooms can produce big heavy tight sounds with the absence of the decay from the reverb that is caused from big rooms. A good engineer in recording studio can sound amazing with a little adjusting in any size of room. A poor sounding room can be manipulated to sound good, although it requires much more work, energy, and time. But in reputed recording studios engineers provide proper setting of room and equipments.

Sometimes one side of the room sounds bad try and at different spot or move around into a corner may be improve the sound. Experimenting with different sections of the room also keeps the sound fresh when recording many instruments. This gives clarity on the final mix of track. If you are trying to build-up your own recording studio, remember one thing that the bigger the studio the higher amount the bills will be.

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